Hide and Seek Rock Scissors Paper
Students sit down and place their hands over their eyes.
T: Close your eyes.
While teacher hides two of each flashcard around the room, teacher and students count down from ten to zero very slowly. Once you reach zero say, Stand up!
T: It’s a (cat). What is it?
Students search room for the (cat) cards. The students who find the cards go to the teacher. Students with the same card do rock, scissors, paper, and the winner gets a point or a high five.
S1: What is it?
All S: It’s a (cat).
Repeat until all flash cards are found.
T: Close your eyes.
先生が同じフラッシュカードを2枚ずつ部屋の中に隠す間、先生と生徒は10から0までゆっくりカウントダウンします。0になったらStand up!と言います。
T: It’s a (cat). What is it?
生徒たちは部屋の中で(cat)のカードを探します。 カードを見つけた生徒は先生のところに行きます。同じカードを持った生徒同士でジャンケンをし、勝者はポイントがもらえるか、ハイタッチをします。
S1: What is it?
S全員: It’s a (cat).
すべてのカードを見つけるまで繰り返します。(V, D, CP)
Hot Potato
Everyone sits in a circle. In a clockwise direction, teacher starts by handing a flashcard to the student beside them.
T: What is it?
S1: It’s a monkey.
The student asks the student next to them.
S1: What is it?
S2: It’s a monkey.
Then that student asks the next student, etc., keeping the card circulating as quickly as possible. It is possible to have more than one card circulating. Repeat for all flashcards.
T: What is it?
S1: It’s a monkey.
S1: What is it?
S2: It’s a monkey.