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Two Games with Flashcards: “Circle Repeat” and “Concentration” フラッシュカードを使った2つのゲーム:サークルリピートと神経衰弱

There is a wide variety of activities to learn and practice language using flashcards!
Circle Repeat
This is a simple game used to practice dialogues and vocabulary.
Everyone sits in a circle. Hold up one flashcard and introduce the target language.
T: It’s sunny. How’s the weather?
S: It’s sunny.
Hand the card to the student on the left. The student introduces the language to the next student on their left.
S1: It’s sunny. How’s the weather?
S2: It’s sunny.
Continue until the card reaches the teacher. Repeat for remaining flashcards.
T: It’s sunny. How’s the weather?
S: It’s sunny.
S1: It’s sunny. How’s the weather?
S2: It’s sunny.
A classic game adapted to practice vocabulary and dialogues.
Lay two sets of matching flashcards on floor face down. Students take turns to turn over two flashcards and produce the vocabulary for each card. When they get a matching pair they must produce the target language.
T: What is it?
S: It’s a skirt.
Students keep matching pairs they turn over. When all pairs have been won, students count how many pairs they have.
S: I have (number).
T: What is it?
S: It’s a skirt.
S: I have (number).